Packaging Materials
We aren’t climate activists and we aren’t perfect when it comes to reducing environmental impact or always recycling everything properly. We even make products out of the evil material…. plastic. We do however think every little bit counts and we design our products to last a very long time. We use plain cardboard, void paper, and shredded cardboard/paper for our packaging. We do not purchase single use packaging materials that are not recyclable if at all possible. We do have to use padded envelopes for some products and bags to keep several small parts together. Occasionally you will find clean, reused single-use packaging materials that we saved from packages we have received. Along with being more sustainable, using these materials allows us to spend less on trash and recycling, as well as save money on packaging materials. The little things like this are what helps us to keep our prices low!
The cardboard and void paper – This will be taken by nearly all rural recycling trucks and recycling centers. Otherwise it can be composted or used in your garden and flower beds to help improve the soil and prevent weeds for a while. There are many other great uses for these materials and it’s worth keeping them on hand for when you need it.
The brown and white shredded cardboard/paper – This consists of shredded cardboard with minimal black printing and white paper without colorful graphics. This will be taken by some rural recycling trucks and most recycling centers. Check with your local recycling company on what they accept. Usually the rural trucks need to have it stapled in a paper grocery bag to be picked up. DO NOT just dump the loose shreds into your recycling bin! They may discard everything if shreds are mixed in. This will also work great in your compost, garden, and flower beds to improve the soil. Another great use is as pet bedding or litter. Be SURE to check that your pet can be around dusty bedding. Shredding cardboard creates a fine, almost invisible cardboard dust that is deposited in these shreds. This dust can be a health hazard to some small animals.
The mixed color shredded cardboard/paper – This will have a mix of cardboard and paper that have several colors in it. This will be taken by some rural recycling trucks and recycling centers. Check with your local recycling company on what they accept. DO NOT just dump the loose shreds into your recycling bin! They may discard everything if shreds are mixed in. It also works great as a fire starter or to soak up fluid spills. DO NOT USE THIS FOR COMPOST, GARDENING, OR AS PET BEDDING. This can contain microplastics as well as dyes and pigments you don’t want to be adding to your soil or anywhere near your pet.
The reused single-use shipping materials/padded envelopes – These consist of bubble wrap, plastic bags, bubble mailers, ect. These are best to be reused as much as possible. These materials can be recycled in some areas although usually only at a drop off point. Bubble wrap, plastic film, and plastic bags can go to these drop off points. Check your local area for one near you.
We already did the REDUCING so please, REUSE and RECYCLE responsibly! It makes a difference for everyone in the world and future generations to come. Or not, it’s really up to you what you do with it.